The Weakly number seventy three.
Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

How has everyones week been?! Hope all is well.
I am still having some back issues and a bit of a cold, but all much better.
It’s funny how this “nearly summer” mode we’re in, this constant teasing what could be a wonderful time, just is not.
As for the photo post this week we have a NEW SHAKE N BAKE with some beautiful photos and even some videos now. just a quick test.

Talking about videos, I also have a new video on my YT. In my quest to get my self more in the video making mode we have an old idea come back and I think there is some potential in it. For future editions, but also for improvement.

Podcasts & Livestreams.

Youtube Random Selection:

No shows this week somehow… but we did watch two very fun movies.
First up was Dev Patels directorial debut MONKEY MAN. He also stars in it and in the little bit of press I saw about the movie he always talked about how hard it was to make the film, not only as and actor, but production wise. I had wished that the VOD release would have had some BTS material, but it is a fantastic moody action film. And not your typical Hollywood style, rather a good mix.
The, just by chance I saw that Last Stop In Yuma County was rentable. Fun, weird, bloody.

No updates when it comes to pottery as the class was off this week due to the holiday.

Let me tease this project though one last time before I tell you all about it in the “near” future. I am still looking for things like packaging and so on, but I will do a little video for it.

Our weekly the reminder that you can follow me for FREE on Patreon as well, just like on any other social platform, which is a nice feature to stay informed and when you decide to become a paying member you can do that at any time and switch back to free when you feel like it. I do post stuff for free members there as well, still figuring out what the best way to go about it all is, but most people do not know that yet and I feel like Patreon has a good opportunity here as a platform to build something fun for everyone really to use.
So come on over and become a free member or a BEASTIE. Thank you again to all my old and new friends who are kind enough to support me on there. It really means a lot and I am looking forward to not only grow the members, but the work I put out on there. It is a lot of fun.

Have a beautiful Sunday and…
stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.



Uliana in Denim
