The Weakly number seventy six.
Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

Hope everyone is doing alright on this Sunday. I do not know how the weather is where you are but German summer is more like fall this year. A mild fall, but fall nonetheless and I fear it will stay this way till actual fall.

This weeks Photo post is again with the wonderful Domini. More colorful, sensual and soft. And of course you can get the full set over on my PATREON.

A new weekly video has dropped just now basically as well. Getting these made and out is still a bit of a struggle, which is mostly a problem with my planning and everything else going on. Hope you enjoy.

As much as I want to game more I only got a little bit of Destiny time in… Diablo 4 is waiting and my 20 last levels for the Sorceress, ah well. Also need to get the Livestreams back up finally.

We did not watch much, but caught up on Dinenrtime Live with David Chang. Finally watched the three Episodes of The Acolyte that are out. Which I have enjoyed a lot so far. Especially the wait its shot and the look are wonderful. And then we ended out evening with The Fall Guy. Very silly of course, but fun.

I also did start finally building my film masks for scanning film with my Valoi kit. I needed/wanted to scan the film with the full borders and sprockets and so on and Valoi does not offer that unfortunately. The first prototypes are fine, but I need to work on it at least one more round.

It’s not really news if you know me, or for myself. Being organized in my everyday life when it comes to things I need to get done can be a problem. Funny enough when a production or job is up, that works a lot better, but also doing shit at the last possible time is normally where I have my baseline. Pressure works kinda well, but I have a so many great things I want and need to get going at the moment, I need to find some good ways to organize and work accordingly and I know I know. A bunch of fantastic ideas and systems just popped up in your head that you wanna let me know about and thank you, but I really know a lot of those… I just need to find and refine one that actually works for me and that’s not an easy thing. Doable, but not easy. Gonna work through it as I am getting more and more excited about these still very small steps I have been going and I wanna open the flood gates so to speak.

Pottery! Of course I did forgot, again, to take photos of the plates I finally finished. Also found two cups that needed some finishing, but yeah… it is what it is. I also got back a whole bunch of things, but I will show you all those when I have a few more finished and the time to take some nice photos.

Our weekly the reminder that you can follow me for FREE on Patreon as well, just like on any other social platform, which is a nice feature to stay informed and when you decide to become a paying member you can do that at any time and switch back to free when you feel like it. I do post stuff for free members there as well, still figuring out what the best way to go about it all is, but most people do not know that yet and I feel like Patreon has a good opportunity here as a platform to build something fun for everyone really to use.
So come on over and become a free member or a BEASTIE. Thank you again to all my old and new friends who are kind enough to support me on there. It really means a lot and I am looking forward to not only grow the members, but the work I put out on there. It is a lot of fun.

Have a beautiful Sunday and…
stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.



Olga - and the car


Domini - sunny red and blue