music photogrpahy - 98 Octane EP and concert shots

you might remember 98 octane from way back when I started my photography business in the beginning of last year. not only have I progressed over this span, so did they. and they prepared their first EP with six fantastic songs.

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

we planned a lot over time and the band and I have a lot of ideas and we ended up changing our first idea to something different for the cover-/artwork shoot. nonetheless I think the idea worked great and the outcome is wonderful. the band luckily was patient with me which also is very important at times :-)

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

the new idea was to go for a bit of a fashion magazine cover look. a clearly identifiable light-source (actually 3 :-)), a neutral grey background fading into dark grey to black etc... you get the idea. as I still did not have my own studio at hand and the one we rented was out of enough grey background we improvised a bit here and there.

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

we shot I think 3 or for different sets, of which I can only show you the final one for the EP as I am in paris and did not bring the others. I will post them in a separate post.

I finally just did the RAW conversion and left all that was (if any) to edit to tweety herself. she also did all the artwork and so on.

98 Octane EP cover-/ artwork shoot

and last week on friday the gave their annual xmas concert in cologne at the MTC. what a BLAST! best concert so far I saw from them. I am so in love wit the new EP and their performance I can't stop listening to it... I know I know... shameless plug for friends you say, but its the truth... at the moments its 98 octane and the new tron soundtrack only on my ipod and that 24/7.

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

98 octane in concert

I hope you like what you see and hopefully hear!

you can find the band on their homepage, their myspace page, where you can also listen to their songs and also their facebook site!

you can also head over to to listen to and by the EP online. the page is on german only I think, but not too difficult to figure out. and I will double check if an itunes download will be available soon or not...

all the best,



event photography - leweb 2010 - paris


travel photography - hello again paris, hello again leweb