Crazy to say, but we have arrived at the end of our Bangkok photo essays. Every since we got back, my urge of wanting to go back has been growing constantly. It is funny, that when you tell people you are flying to for example Bangkok and only Bangkok, not any of the other parts, islands or whatever most people do when flying to Thailand and you gonna spend 16 days just in that one city, look at you in bewilderment. We have done this a few times now in Cities and especially with cities we did not know before and that are as huge as Bangkok and for example Tokyo are and I would not want to have it any other way. I said it after our first time in Tokyo, but it also holds true with Bangkok. I need at least two more weeks to walk around, explore and experience the city. Taking it slow, spend time with the small things, have time to talk to people and all those things, before I loose this imminent feeling of still wanting to go back, because I do not feel this first experience has had a proper ending. Also, I have to admit I would love to have some more time to shoot there. This time, I shot a lot, but let’s be honest, it really is not more than some vacation photos, but I would love to take time to shoot there now, with more purpose, but also the knowledge of what I learned and experienced there last time. And who knows maybe it will become this weird thing I have with Los Angeles, this connection I can somehow explain, but not fully, where I want to go back again and again and spend as much time there as I can.
Anyway… I hope you enjoyed this long posts, if you have missed any just CLICK HERE and you have the all to check out or just check out the rest of the blog as well.
Thank you very much for dropping by,
stay safe, enjoy,


