Magdalena X TEYMTHEBEAST Video 01

My goal has been to shoot more Video and it often fails because of time while on shoots, sometimes Models that shoot Photos are not comfortable to shoot Video also, but by chance while talking we got on the subject and just started shooting. We didn’t shoot a huge amount, but I edited two Films from it.

It also was the first time editing a project fully in Davinci Resolve and besides having to still learn a lot it was quite the pleasant experience that led me to buying the Studio Version and I am pretty sure I am going to stick with it for a while.

The whole thing was shot on my Canon R5 with the 28-70mm F2. Handheld and no rigged up Monitor or anything as I hadn’t really planned for filming that day at that location. My recent small rig (funny enough consisting of quite a bit of Smallrig parts) is quite nice and useful and I will make a Post about it soon, too.

Ever since I got my X100V I have it with me most places at most times. Not always around my neck, but close and easy to get to. Since the x100V was such a nice step up I use it way more that I ever was willing to use its predecessor. So I also started using it on shoots, as the kinda wide and fast lens gives a nice addition and compliments what I often shoot. All of this Set of Photos was shot with the X100V and I love them. You will see in the upcoming Post with the second video how much they differ from the R5 Photos, but… it is exactly what I want. If they were and looked the same it would kinda defeat the purpose of having it in the first place in my opinion.

Hope you enjoyed the Film and everything, stay safe out there,


Oh there is also a censored Version on Youtube if you are so inclined to share the Film itself.


