The Weakly number eight.

Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

How you guys doing? Everyone ok out there?

As for, all good so far. The week has been rough in terms of productivity to be honest, not sure whats happening, but I just couldn’t concentrate as good on shit and had a whole bunch of things to do. Ah well. Hopefully gets better this coming week though. I at least managed to finish two more prototypes for my small 3D Printed Frames for my Instant Photos I want to sell. And am printing them as I am writing this. The first one came out great and but I can already see that the one I designed for the Instax Mini Versions might be a tag too big, gonna print it in that size at least once though. I also think a spool of black filament I’ve been using might have been… a bit too humid or something. I can’t get a clean print out of it to safe my life. I can at least Show you a little preview of the first test print with the supports still on, so its just a teaser. Also the second print that is running right now I left the supports off. Prusa Slicer gives out a warning, but I think all my angles and overhangs should be fine, so far it looks good, but we’ll see in a few hours. I hope bed adheasion isn’t as much of a problem as it seems on the corners, as I really don’t want to use hairspray or anything, but if that’s what it takes, so be it.

Further on I have a new Photo Post up. First set of Olga Maria Veide. Head on over and check it out if you like.

Podcasts and Livestreams. Only one new addition here.

Youtube… I will repeat myself here, just in case, not all videos are necessarily recommendations, but stuff I looked at and watched:

Again a week with no movies… WTF is happening?!

At least a bit of TV Shows on the side, nothing new, but the second part of the first season of Physical 100 dropped and I really like that. Basically American Gladiators in Korea with touch of Squid Games Style. Fun stuff.

Gaming... same ol’ same ol’ and next week might be quite Destiny 2 heavy as the new expansion is upon us on tuesday and yeah, that might take up some time, too. I really want to finally finish the latest God of War and Death Stranding, I just can’t seem to concentrate too much on games like that right now, which is a shame really.

Nothing on the food front. Nothing Pottery wise, as our teacher was sick this week, buuuut maybe a bit of Music shizz. I posted my bigger Mix-Tape Playlist the past two weeks and while we were in Amsterdam I started to actually listen to Rosalia, I knew of here of course, had heard a couple songs here and there and always like what I heard, but never dove into an album or so. So not even sure how I ended up starting with MOTOMAMI+, but I am hooked for sure and can only recommend you check it out. I guess it is essentially what made Rosalía such a phenomenon, a genre bending fun and gripping album. I am no critic of any kind, but I enjoy the heck out of it. I’ll just leave two songs below and implore you (if you haven’t and are as slow as me) to check the whole album out, as I progress her to older ones.

As we were sitting in a little French Bistro in Amsterdam last week, two tunes caught my ear that I forgot to post last week actually. One I listened to a long time ago, but it somehow got away from me, the other one I am glad I have to listen to now, too. (also… video links to songs… YAY or NAY?!) obviously all of it available on all music streaming platforms.

I hope I did not forget anything else.. Also just another reminder, if you want to get this weekly recap as an Email head on over to my INFO page and use the form on the bottom there to sign up. So that it folks…

stay safe out there and until next time,


Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It ill be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.


Olga and the window


Olga Maria Veide - a first