The Weakly number twenty eight.

Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

I am still very happy and grateful that it actually is summer, even-though it jumps back and forth between quite a bit in terms of temperature and humidity. I envy people that live in a climate like this all year.

And in the line of thought we also have another Photo Post this week, the next instalment of our vacation from 2021. And yeah I probably could have cut it down a lot, but honestly I didn’t want to.

Podcasts and Livestreams.

Youtube Random Selection:

This week mostly was filled with small and necessary things, nothing exciting though. I need to get back to creating some fun content, plus obviously work on some projects. Talking about projects I finally finished rebuilding on of my old worktables to become a table for food- and product photography in our studio. Mostly as my girlfriend shoots a lot of the things she bakes. Which you can check out on her Website or IG. The table isn’t anything great, very utilitarian and my out of constrution wood like my big table, with a MDF tabletop. It initially was a standing desk for me to paint and write on and so on, plus to have a completely clean table, as my large one is used for other things also.
Talking about IG, I was very happy to try Threads for the few days we as European were allowed to. Well.. “allowed”. You needed a US App Store account and a VPN to get the App, and thats all thanks to Meta being a shitty company, but also and probably more importantly to the EU being terribly incompetent when it comes to Tech, the Internet or anything really that was invented after the 50s… Which is a real shame as they would have the money and ability to get people who actually understand the modern world, but they just don’t want to and are way to arrogant to Act in a proper way. Sure they want to prevent bad shit to happen or whatever, but when it breaks the Internet for example… you know they are doing it wrong. Look at the fucking privacy cookie hellscape they have put us in for years and years now. And yeah stuff like the USB-C charging port thing that everyone needs to implement for their phones for example is kinda cool, but really also not that great, as it is a technology that has been in use for some time and the newer generation is on its way, but stuff like that is not really considered as far as I know, which really is a shame. Ah well… politics.

Back to the fun stuff.
We did not watch a movie yet this week, there is not that much super interesting new stuff on VOD, and we felt more like watching some new shows. The first thing though I wanna mention is that I finally started with One Piece! I wanted to for years now, but the sheer amount of Episodes kept me somehow from starting, but as a friend just recently said… it just will keep growing and you need to start somewhere and so far I am liking it, even-though the Dragon Ball-esque cliffhangers are already annoying me a bit.
We also started a couple new Shows, because, why just finish a show when there is so much new stuff you can start. And honestly, with the WGA and SAG strikes going on and the Studios being complete psychopaths right now, its good to have some Shows and Movies on the back burner. As we will get back to some horrible horrible shit in the mid-term.
So we finally started with Liaison and so far its great, haven’t watched enough for a proper opinion yet, but I mean Eva Green, Vincent Cassel in a well produced Thriller Show… I am in either way. The other Show we started and watched a bit more of is Silo, also on Apple TV+ and damn. Its so good. I know its based on a Book Series that I did not read, so I am going in with an open mind and so far its so cool to see everything unfold slowly, but surely. I think we had a couple episodes of Triple D in there this week also, but thats about it.

Yeah this is a bit of a short one, a few more things I wanted to talk about, but it is getting a bit late and I need to get to some other stuff, but I will prepare that for next weeks Weakly. Stuff like gaming updates and upcoming projects and lots of random thoughts that have been piling up.

Well stay safe out there,

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.


