The Weakly number thirty nine.

Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

What a week my friends, hope all is well where-ever you are, who-ever you are.
Nothing crazy or anything happened, but it feels like a bit more of a positive week in terms of getting a bit out of my head and finding some solutions and ideas to some of my things I am stuck in right now. Mostly work related. It’s not really reinventing, but certainly bigger adjustments and that I do struggle with quite a bit at the moment. So any type of progress feels very good.
Also have to say that I miss Paris. Not sure if Paris in particular, but a different City probably. And different is probably the key word, also more vibrant. I am sure. Keep asking myself if we had our place in Paris form next week on instead of Cologne, as Hotels and Airbnbs are cool and all, but your own place just feels better, would I feel that way? Besides the things I do not like about Cologne, I for sure feel bored by the City itself in a creative sense. I go out for walks so often, but rarely feel the need to actually shoot anything. Which on the one hand is the boredom I feel with the City I have been in for so long, living I mean of course, not not traveling, but also me not finding new or different way to look at the things I know so well and for so long. Interesting dilemma and a thing I have been battling with for quite some time. As long as there is progress with stuff like that every now and then I am happy with that.

Photo Post of the week, we go back my shoot with the wonderful Domini. Hope you enjoy.

Podcasts & Livestreams.

Youtube Random Selection:

Obiously we keep going with Ahsoka which keeps on giving us some fun Episodes. Read funny little snippet from someone, can’t remember where it was, that this weeks Episode gave us a bit too little and too much at the same time. Exactly my feelings about most of the Episodes to be honest… Interesting. Stil happy we have the Series, but I hope they build on it.
The Bear is just the best Show on Air right now. Not only TV Show, but in terms of writing for TV and Movies this is just such an amazing piece of Art. It is so calm, beautiful and yet so energetic. Full of feelings and memories. The Christmas Episode was one of the maddest pieces of TV I have seen in a long long time. A lot of the Show feels so familiar on a human level that it is shocking. Obviously the Acting is great, how it is shot is beautiful yet simple and all that, but the writing man… it just hits so hard. Episodes seven and eight of season two had tearing up the whole time. Crazy good and beautiful.
We then also watched a couple of Movies yesterday and I can recommend all of them to be honest. The last one we watched was The Usual Suspects, which is an old Film now and chances are you’ve heard of it, watched it (multiple times like me) or at least know of some kind of meme or piece of pop culture related to it.
We got inspired to watch The Usual Suspects by watching Reptile on Netflix. A Film with and partly by Benicio Del Torro. Feels like a classic Thriller/Cop Story in a bit of a modern dress. Not gonna stun you, but for sure a beautiful and well done Film. We did start our Movie Night with a shorter Film, also on Netflix which was a bit of a surprise. Somehow it went past me that Wes Anderson has worked on this, but what a beautiful beautiful Short Film The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is. Must watch Title for sure. If you like Wes Andersons work of course.

I am still spending time in Night City when I am gaming. Going through Phantom Liberty Expansion slowly and funny enough going back and forth a bit between my old and new Character. I have arrived in Dogtown finally with my new Character and the Game just keeps on giving. I am Streaming big parts of it and I even started doing my Street Photography streams again, but I am for sure going to switch back to stream on Twitch instead of Youtube. On YT no one that is not already following you will ever find your Stream, which for such a small Streamer like myself is just a shame. So keep your eyes open for those upcoming Streams, come by, say hi. I also had set up a IG account for my Cyberpunk 2077 Street Photography two years ago when the Game came out initially, which I will start posting to again.

In Pottery Class this week I just tweaked my huge plate the whole time. Smoothing edges and surfaces and all that, so I can go and add a ring foot next time, after that I think we will be able to glaze it and get it fired. Very exciting.

Anywho, have a fantastic start into the next week.
Stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.


Game Photography II- Cyberpunk 2077


Right here - Domini