The Weakly number seventy one.
Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

I can’t even believe that we seemingly are going full force towards summer. The sun has been out every single day of the week and it just feels so wonderful. Even though I haven’t been out that much, besides my daily walks and so on, but it just lifts my mood so much. Besides all that it has been a busy week, with mostly nothing to show yet. I recorded a bunch of screen recordings of editing some of my new photo sets for Patreon, really wish I had place to actually live stream those sessions. I wanna start streaming again, but the only thing that seems to make sense is gaming. Which sure, why not, but I would love to stream my editing sessions and all that as well. I should maybe try Behance, but the organic growth anywhere but Twitch, while streaming is really not there and that is kinda sad to be honest. I wish you could just put your stream on 18+ or whatever and go. And my stuff is so mild… anyway.
Photo post of the week is our second set with Irina. As per usual you can see the full set on PATREON. Enjoy.

I also shot and posted another Video to my channel… Like, Subscribe, etc… etc… Thank you!

As for shows and movies…
absolutely nothing. Zip, nada, nix, zero. Not 100% sure why, but nothing I can do about it now. I just realized that I do not enjoy watching stuff on my iPad if I don’t really really have to. (contrary to all the discourse about the ne iPads funny enough) And then I sit there having my two Computer screens occupied by stuff I work on and the iPad having some youtube stuff on it and I keep thinking, I should go upstairs and watch a movie or so on the TV and then I just don’t. I also finally continued listening to Haruki Murakamis 1Q84. I wasn’t super hot on it when I started, but it is growing on me and it is a long one. Perfect tough while editing a ton of photos.

Pottery was more of the same this week, but I finished the last three cups I had thrown and can finally get to glazing a whole bunch of stuff tomorrow, before throwing some more cups. I really is a fantastic way to practice and I will have a bunch of Christmas presents by the end of the year.

Our weekly the reminder that you can follow me for FREE on Patreon as well, just like on any other social platform, which is a nice feature to stay informed and when you decide to become a paying member you can do that at any time and switch back to free when you feel like it. I do post stuff for free members there as well, still figuring out what the best way to go about it all is, but most people do not know that yet and I feel like Patreon has a good opportunity here as a platform to build something fun for everyone really to use.
So come on over and become a free member or a BEASTIE. Thank you again to all my old and new friends who are kind enough to support me on there. It really means a lot and I am looking forward to not only grow the members, but the work I put out on there. It is a lot of fun.

Besides all that I was cleaning and reorganising the Studio. I have so so many prints and test prints I need to do something with. I might actually do a little video about that and maybe think of a nice giveaway…

Have a beautiful Sunday and…
stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.



Jája was in the Studio


Irina - black dress