The Weakly number seventy four.
Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

What is going on people of the Interwebs.
Tumultuous times still and no calming down or peace in sight. More than enough to go around and sure people who are not directly affected are more comfortable to look away than actually converse about it. Not that conversing would do that much, but I think we still (and I speak from the people I see around me) have a lot of people that do not understand why and how some of these conflicts around the world actually come about. It can taxing to confront yourself with these things, but I feel it is more important than not to and to be a bit more calm as you kind of ignore some things or shut them out. Difficult subject, and everyone needs to decide these things for themselves, but I thought before I bitch and moan about the fucking annoying weather again I let this off my chest.
Talking about chests…
This weeks photo post is with the wonderful Uliana.
I know I repeat myself, but you can find the full set as always on my PATREON. Its so nice to see it is growing slowly, but surely. And I need to find a good way to add some more for the free tier as well. As I like that there is a free tier option on Patreon now, so you can have a nice community part so to speak, instead of spreading it over the nowadays weird state of internet platforms.

Tried a bit of a different thing for this weeks video and I am very happy with the result. Looking forward to see what you think. OBVIOUSLY, if you enjoy the video LIKE COMMENT and Subscribe if you haven’t yet. Much appreciated!

Podcasts & Livestreams.

Youtube Random Selection:

I am so happy Dinnertime Live with David Chang is back, most of them are very enjoyable to watch and the first Live Show Netflix has put out. We also finally finished the first Season of White Lotus and started the second. Absolutely love the Show. And me oh my HACKS is back! And we finally watched Godzilla Minus One. What a fantastic Movie. All the buzz you heard about it is well deserved for sure.

Pottery! Did start a small little project of making eight little dessert plates. As so often, I did not take photos when I actually finished forming them more properly, so the photos look like a sad excuse for a clay slab. I am very excited though as my fruit bowl is finished and the rest of my stuff has been fired as we speak and I get to see it all tomorrow hopefully. The bowl came out beautiful and this is just one of those very satisfying things when you have the final product of something you put so much time and blood sweat and tears in so to speak.

Our weekly the reminder that you can follow me for FREE on Patreon as well, just like on any other social platform, which is a nice feature to stay informed and when you decide to become a paying member you can do that at any time and switch back to free when you feel like it. I do post stuff for free members there as well, still figuring out what the best way to go about it all is, but most people do not know that yet and I feel like Patreon has a good opportunity here as a platform to build something fun for everyone really to use.
So come on over and become a free member or a BEASTIE. Thank you again to all my old and new friends who are kind enough to support me on there. It really means a lot and I am looking forward to not only grow the members, but the work I put out on there. It is a lot of fun.

Have a beautiful Sunday and…
stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.



Karina brings the glamour


Uliana in Denim