The Weakly number seventy eight.
Welcome friends, foes and people with ugly toes.

Keeping up with my annoyed weather report, we had a week of some heat and beuaitful sunshine, but as of last night we are back to rain and grey skies for the time being. For our photo post of the week we are back with a SHAKE N BAKE, but I am posting constant updates to my PATREON as well, just was not something this week that was for the Blog as well.

I did not make a video this week yet, just did not get to it, but I will start working on one later today. So I might have two out next week or one in reserve. So in case you wanna check out all the other videos, just follow this LINK to my channel.

Podcasts & Livestreams.

Youtube Random Selection:

As for Shows and Movies Dinnertime Live with David Chang and The Acolyte were on top of my list. And both again did not disappoint. And man oh man. The Acolyte goes harder than any other Star Wars Show or Movie right now and I am all here for it. I really wonder if we ever will go back to a less toxic web in my lifetime or if this shit will go on. Not only related to toxic Star Wars “fans”, but really in general.
We did not get a Movie in this week as we did start and finish Season 1 of DARK MATTER on Apple TV+. First I was… “WOW!”, then more like “HUH?!”, a couple “WAIT WHAT?!s” in there and overall very entertaining, very very dark at times, but also finished nicely with lots of interesting possibilities for a Season 2.

As for Pottery this week, I cleaned up the cups I had thrown last week and at the end started testing different tools on the smallest cups to see with which I could best achieve scratching a specific design into them. I think I am close, but it also takes good practice to get a consistent effect. Happy I am trying this though. Only shame is, that our class will be on a holiday break for the next six weeks and only after that I can get to glazing and getting closer to actually see the effect. Ah well. And of course I do not have a photos of the final stage of it all…

On Friday I had a shoot with the wonderful Mila, who I wanted to shoot with for a long time now. Tested a new Studio close to Cologne, which was very positive surprise as well.

After a long time also made some Pizza last night. Nothing can go wrong with Pizza really. Ever.

Our weekly the reminder that you can follow me for FREE on Patreon as well, just like on any other social platform, which is a nice feature to stay informed and when you decide to become a paying member you can do that at any time and switch back to free when you feel like it. I do post stuff for free members there as well, still figuring out what the best way to go about it all is, but most people do not know that yet and I feel like Patreon has a good opportunity here as a platform to build something fun for everyone really to use.
So come on over and become a free member or a BEASTIE. Thank you again to all my old and new friends who are kind enough to support me on there. It really means a lot and I am looking forward to not only grow the members, but the work I put out on there. It is a lot of fun.

Have a beautiful Sunday and…
stay safe out there, be kind, to others, to yourself.

Also here you can find my friends post of this week with whom?(!?!?) I entered into this weekly arrangement. It will be updated as they link their posts. Some are in German btw.



Paulina says hi
