Bare Minimum 004


TEYMTHEBEAST ZINE now is called BARE MINIMUM. Just like when Raiders turned into Twix, just better.

The continuation of the Series of all the different photographic and artistic journeys I undertake, have undertaken and will undertake. I am slowly evolving and changing what I initially thought of where this Zine might go and it hopefully shows how much fn it is.

You can read them, study them, collect them, paint or draw on them go over them again and again, heck you can take them apart and make your own collages with them. most importantly you can reorder them… wink wink

This Edition with the wonderful Olga Maria Kaminska is a very special one to me. Getting back to shoot after a long long time with Lockdowns and all that, trying some ideas I had brewing in my mind for a while plus getting to try a few accessories I designed and 3D printed myself.

Also as a Bonus every Buyer will get a Limited Edition Sticker that only comes with this Zine.

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